Civil status solution

Civil registration and vital statistics !


he usage of a computerised Civil Status solution requires specialised software being able not only to simply manage documents/certificates but also to give a help for their right constitution regarding the countries law(s).

The EveLiN civil status solution is much more than an EDM (Electronic Document Management) with a library of templates. The software includes an engine controlling and checking legal aspects of the documents. This highly adaptable tool is able to follow legal developments.

Moreover, people management is also a key aspect of an IT solution for the management of public records. EveLiN solution enables automatic actions to update documents / certificates depending connections between people (status updates, death …) by adding additional mentions.

As a CRVS software (Civil Registry and Vital Statistics) EveLiN includes a powerful reporting engine allowing the production of statistics based on data constituting the documents (type of document, time, name…)

The solution offers a high level of customization of documents as well as an internal data notification tool between departments and organizations.

Thanks to more than 20 years’ experience, Digitech offers a technically robust and easily adaptable civil status management solution. The main French cities (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Bordeaux …) are using Digitech CRVS software. At the international level, EveLiN civil status solution is already installed in Mali and several projects are on their way on the African continent and Asia.

EveLiN is a web based solution designed to cover the changing needs in the field of international civil status.


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