Digitech presents EveLiN !

Footprint is a biometric means of
identification of newborns

EveLiN is a packaged product developed by Digitech in order to meet the demand for vital records and statistics management software (Civil Registry and Vital Statistics) of its international customers.
Leader in French civil registry software, Digitech has adapted its products to the international market. Regular subcontractor with brand integrators regarding its expertise, Digitech made in 2015 the decision to edit a software suite fully dedicated to the worldwide market of software labelled “Civil Registry and Vital Statistics”.
This set of productions benefits from a proven expertise on the domestic market. Digitech regularly manages the life cycle of its products in order to follow up national laws enforcement.
Our values
Our team, composed of well qualified engineers is up to provide the last technical tools to achieve a top management of public entities.
Our offer in vital records and statistics management software makes us a major actor in the civil status identification within a large scale of countries. This experience allows us to claim a real expertise in the art of civil registry at the international level.
We have the full conviction that women and men that are going to use our software have to be well involved in the definition and implementation of the project.
The modernization of the civil registry is a long-term investment that involves many actors.
Digitech is one of the worldwide actor working with partners (see list below) to spread the cause of civil registry in the world.